HI, I need help on passing a variable from the html file to views.py

what I am doing is making a ad system. Currently working on making a
clicks per ad count.

So I have it structured like this:

Their is 2 files:  views.py   and  context.py

context.py  this files job is to send variable values to the html

This will be the ads graphic url and also the website url.

then at the html file.  I put the ads url to the site variable in a
form with a input type hidden.

I then have javascript that will autmaticly submit the forms. The
forms action is the url that I specified in urls.py.

Now  I have in the urls.py to point to the function in views.py that
will handel the processing.

So right now I am getting an Error  :   MultiValueDictKeyError

then it says : "Key 'adr' not found in <QueryDict: {}>"

The adr  code is :  url = request.POST['adr']

what do I need to pass a variable value from a form or any other

I need to have a way that when they click the ad that I would send the
ads url to the website to views.py

because the views.py  will update the database by a field named
number of clicks  and it would just add 1 to that number.

Then it would redirect the user to the ads url to the ads website.

thats what I need to do and so far am having trouble getting something
to work.

I am new to google apps engine and django.

we use both google apps engine and django.
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