I am porting my WebOS(Shedokan OS) to python from php so I can use it
og GAE and I came to the stage where I need to read and write files.

And after a lot of searching I found out that I cannot create files or
write to files.
here is my code:

from google.appengine.ext import db

class File(db.Model):
        filename = db.StringProperty(multiline=False)
        filedata = db.BlobProperty
        date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

def createFile(fileName, content):
        if fileName=='' or content=='':
        file = File()
        file.filedata = content
        file.filename = fileName

def getFile(fileName):

        if fileName=='':
        return db.GqlQuery('SELECT * FROM File WHERE filename= :1',fileName)

any way to make this work with a folder structure?

also I want to note that I started learning python just about 3 days
ago, so I think I'm a begginer.

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