note, this is redundant:
> pm.newQuery(query).execute(user);
> you should simply do query.execute(...)
> Hope this helps,
> Yaniv Kessler
> maybe some locations exceed their MaxSaveLocs ???
> On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 8:27 AM, shaz wrote:
> >
The problem is specifically with persisting objects in a many to one
relationship. The odd thing is that the my code was working fine, and
then suddenly it was only persisting the objects some of the time,
completely non-deterministic and the code hadn't changed. This has
made it really hard to d
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(
at org.mortbay.thread.QueuedThreadPool
On Jun 16, 8:05 am, shaz wrote:
> Here
Here is the code for reference. For background, there is a class
called OMRUser which is a user class, and there is Location3 class.
There is a one to many owned relationship between a user and locations
snippet of USER class:
@PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION)
public cl
Hi, I have a functioning app and recently have had intermittent
problems writing to the datastore. I did not make any relevant code
changes, however in the last few days my attempts to write to the
datastore sometimes work and sometimes don't.
I am trying to save an object that is in a many to o
I am building a web app using GAE Java. I have a class that uses a
Long ID as its primary key.
I now want to create a new class that would be the parent class to
this original class (a one to many relationship) however the children
that already exist need to have a primary key of type "key",
Realized the issue - didn't realize there was a cross domain
restriction on AJAX. Problem solved. thanks
On Nov 27, 5:09 pm, shaz wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to submit an HTTP request via AJAX from the client to the
> Google Maps Geocoding service. I keep getting a status of
I am trying to submit an HTTP request via AJAX from the client to the
Google Maps Geocoding service. I keep getting a status of 0.
I know the request is valid because when I enter the URL right into
the browser address bar I get a valid result. Here is the code (assume
'url_string' has a vali