I have a very simple Groovy on Grails application installed that uses
only a single table.  The application is really just the scaffolded
edits on this table with very few modifications to make it work.  So
it doesn't really do anything.

About one in five clicks result in an error.  The exception is a Hard
Deadline Exceeded and there is a warning about the CPU limit as well.
Randomly a request will take around 30 seconds of CPU for no reason.
There is no change in the code.  There is no change to the data.  The
exact same request will return with essentially no latency and then it
will take 30 seconds of CPU.

I thought this might be some kind of weirdness with Grails, but there
are several issues listed that seem to be related to same issue:


I've stared them all because they all are likely related to the same
problem I'm having.

I was hoping that someone here knew what was going on and might be
able to help me resolve it.  In one of the messages above someone
mentions moving an application to another "shard" to solve the
problem.  What does this mean?  Is it really a potential solution?

Thank you.

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