Hello, I have a (owner) one-to-many bidirectional relationship.
A product can have multiple formats, but a format can only be
associated with a product.

public class Product{
        private Key id; // string, by application
@Persistent(mappedBy = "product")
        private List <Format> formats;

public class Format{
        @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
        private Key id; //numeric, autogenerated
    private Product producto;

Users select a format in a web page (radio button html) and
application (servlet) must load the object identified by id.

My code:
forma = (Format) pm.getObjectById(Format.class, formatId); // formatId
= 985

but I get:
Could not retrieve entity of kind Format with key Format(985)

Datastore Viewer shows a entity with ID/Name column = 985.

How I must load object? What is wrong?
Thank you!

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