
Maybe, I'm missing something obvious in the documentation, but I can't
figure out why I cannot properly persist an entity which has two list-
fields of the same type properly.

I have the following persisted class:

@PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION)
public final class A
    implements Serializable

  @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
  private Key key;

  private List<B> list1 =  new ArrayList<B>();

  private List<B> list2 =  new ArrayList<B>();


where B is a very basic persisted class with only two persisted
attributes (and of course, a key).

Every time I persist an entity of A with 2 non-empty lists fields
list1 and list2, once I request this instance (in another
transaction), the list2 field is always empty.

Does it mean that there are currently some restrictions on App Engine,
which prevents to persist two collection attributes of the same type
at the same time? Do I need to annotate the two fields in a specific
way? I am running App Engine v1.2.5.

Thank you so much for your help. Regards,
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