I'm trying to move over a project I used to run on a tomcat server to
I'm using Apache HttpClient, and found some great tips on
how to get this running.

After some modificatications (removing the https scheme) I got it
running. However, I got some issues with the cookies.

The app I'm doing is a proxy between a web client and a web server.
The client talks to the proxy, and the proxy fetches data from the web
servers with the credentials from the client. So the proxy has to keep
track of each clients cookies, so the web servers still thinks the
client is logged in.

The problem I'm getting revolves around my login sequence, which is a
GET, parse response and create a login payload, POST login payload,
parse redirect response, GET redirect page, parse response set
cookies, GET first page.

The problem is that I get two (2) Cookies: and Cookies2: headers in my
response to the web server. I see this with Wireshark. This confuses
the web server and I get a 500 error from it. I have gone to great
length to try to figure out where this happends, and I have tried to
disable all cookies. I disabled the
response.addHeader(h.getName(), h.getValue());
in @Override public HttpResponse receiveResponseHeader() in
GAEClientConnection so when a "Set-Cookie" header comes along its not
beeing added, I implemeted a new cookie store that returns a blank
ArrayList on getCookies, I removed the
 this.request.addHeader(new HTTPHeader(h.getName(), h.getValue()));
from the @Override public void sendRequestHeader(HttpRequest request)
in GAEClientConnection so the cookie header should not be set when
creating the sendRequest.

Yet the cookies are still there, only now they only appear once.
Basically working, but since I can not bind the cookies to a user, I
can't use any session management, and only use this sollution for 1
users, not mutiple.

So my question is, where exactly does the cookies get added to the
request? I have tried to debug this, but I'm lost after the call to
ApiProxy.makeSyncCall() in public HTTPResponse fetch(HTTPRequest
request) throws IOException { method in URLFetchServiceImpl.

So a quick recap, I have problems because I both get my "own" created
cookies that I can handle by my own session management, and another
set of cookies created by who-know.

This is in development mode running local on appengine-java-sdk-1.5.2.

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