Hi all,
Even after searching i am not able to see any correct answer on how to
work with GAE java dates.

My Model:
@Table(name = "testDetail")
public class TestDetail {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @Column(name = "spreadSheetName", length = 2000, nullable = false)
    private String spreadSheetName;

     * The date the entity was created.
    @Column(name = "created_on", nullable = false)
    private Date createdOn;

     * The date the entity was last modified.
    @Column(name = "modified_on", nullable = false)
    private Date modifiedOn;

    @Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
    private Long id;

    //all setters and getters

And the dates in GAE datastore is stored in this format "Sat Apr 23
18:25:28 UTC 2011"

I am using JPA and my dao looks like this

public class TestDetailDaoImpl extends JpaDaoSupport {

        public TestDetailDaoImpl(EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory){

        public List<TestDetailDetail> findAllByDate(Date fromDate, Date
toDate) {
                List<TestDetail> testDetailList=null;//List<Object[]>
                        String query="Select  from 
"+TestDetail.class.getName()+" where
createdOn>="+fromDate.getTime()+" and createdOn <"+toDate.getTime()
                catch(RuntimeException re){
                        throw re;
                return testDetailList;


The above findAllByDate method always returns zero rows, even it has
data valid in it.

Can any one please tell me how should i handle dates in java.

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