For eclipse do the following:

Click on the the [project name] > Debug As > Debug Configurations...
Go to Web Application > [project name]
Here under tab named "Arguments" add the following: --address=,
so that your Arguments look like this: "--port=8888 --address= /
home/maxim/workspace/[project name]/war"
Click apply.

>From now on, your Jetty should start on, you can verify
this by running lsof -i -P on Linux, the output should look like this:
ma...@maxim-desktop:~$ lsof -i -P | grep
java      17717 maxim   75r  IPv6 365614      0t0  TCP *:8888 (LISTEN)

For reference, these are the options this command accepts:

Usage: <dev-appserver> [options] <war directory>

 --help, -h                 Show this help message and exit.
 --server=SERVER            The server to use to determine the latest
  -s SERVER                   SDK version.
 --address=ADDRESS          The address of the interface on the local
  -a ADDRESS                  to bind to (or for all
 --port=PORT                The port number to bind to on the local
  -p PORT
 --sdk_root=root            Overrides where the SDK is located.
 --disable_update_check     Disable the check for newer SDK versions.


On Aug 14, 3:06 am, Jason Proctor <> wrote:
> in your build.xml, in the "runserver" target, add an "address"
> attribute to the "dev_appserver" tag --
> <dev_appserver
>   war="war"
>   address=""
> />
> works for me!
> On Jul 1, 3:13 pm, John Patterson <> wrote:
> > Try "-bindAddress" - it works for GWT, not sure about Jetty.
> > On 2 Jul 2010, at 03:25, keyeslabs wrote:
> > > I'm running GAE eclipse dev environment (GAE installed via the eclipse
> > > update mechanism).  When I run my GAE application locally, it starts
> > > jetty, which seems to bind to localhost ( rather than my
> > > machine's IP associated with my wireless card.  When I try to connect
> > > to the running GAE app from another machine using, for example,
> > >, the connection fails.  Things work from the
> > > machine on which the app is running by usinghttp://localhost:8888.
> > > So... my question is, how can I make jetty bind to more than one IP,
> > > or perhaps to a different IP?  Are there command-line params that I
> > > can pass to the Eclipse target?
> > > Thanks for the help!
> > > --  
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