Ah, forgot ...

Perhaps I should mention my current solution ...

Currently, I've got a java servlet which loads images from the harddisc and in case of a file-not-found-exception, it loads my "special" image.

My application is like google maps where there have to be loaded many small tiles and I don't like the idea a servlet is executed for each small tile - especially when one single view consists of 50-80 tiles. Allowing direct access to the images should be more performant and would reduce the load on the server, but then I would have to solve my problem with redirecting 404 errors within a special directory to a special file.

Hope for help :-)

Kind regards,

On 16.09.2010 08:15, Thomas P. wrote:
Good Morning!

I've got a directory structure like following:


Now, I would like file-not-found errors within the image directory being redirected on an image which e.g. says "picture not found" or something.

I figured out, there are properties like <error-page> and <error-code> for the web.xml file but they seem to work globally. I only want to redirect 404-errors within the image directory.

Does someone know how to do this with jetty?

Thx in advance!

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