Since we started using the xmpp GAE service late last year, we have
always seen on rare occasions the xmpp clients returning a 500 error.
It has been so unfrequent that it was not a real worry for us.

These past week, we have seen this error rate drastically increase.
This has been reported by our users on PidGin on Windows (XP, Vista,
7) sending messages to our app xmpp address. We experienced several
episodes of a few minutes where each message sent from PidGin was
causing a popup reporting a 500 with the description "resource
constraint". Looking in our app logs for 500s did not show anything.
We can not tell if this issue did not happen on other xmpp client, or
if it is just that they do not report them...

The last occurrence of this issue was late today morning, and lasted a
few minutes. During that time each message was causing this 500 xmpp
report. After these few minutes, everything went back to normal.

I do not think there is anything we can do from our app standpoint.
Let us know if there is additional information we could report to help
get this issue resolved.


PS: I do not think this issue is related to the other sporadic problem
with the xmpp message receiver that has been always existing: /_ah/
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Must set a body

I have not been able to see a relation with the above 500 in the log
with the 500 "resource contraint" from the xmpp client side.

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