hi there

i am porting a python GAE to java but have come unstuck with self
reference type.
my existing data model uses the SelfReferenceProperty and it allow me
to do a very powerful query in a simple manner.

Python model
class PositionUser(db.Model):
  user = db.UserProperty()
  latitude = db.FloatProperty()
  longitude = db.FloatProperty()
  name = db.StringProperty()
  friend = db.SelfReferenceProperty( collection_name='friend_user' )

userRef = Model.PositionUser.gql("where user=:1", user).get()

positions = user.friend_user.filter('latitude>',minLat).filter
('latitude <', maxLat)

However when porting to java, i am unable to achieve the 'collection
filter' that was available in python.

currently i am using the familiar JPA.

i have implemented the sefReference property as a @OneToMany.

my model is below

public class PositionUser {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Key key;
        User  user;
        String latitude;
        float longitude;
   Collection<PositionUser> friends ;

But i am unable to achieve the same query result.

PositionUser positionUser = em.find(PositionUser.class, user1.getKey

but now how to filter positionUser.friends based on their latitude?

any help is appreciated


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