As you may know, jclouds is an open source framework that deals with
abstraction and runtime portability of cloud apis.  For example, our
blobstore and compute features help avoid some lock-in to APIs such as
Amazon S3 and EC2, yet still give you access to the underlying service for
those features that are not portable.  Our runtime allows you to use the
best features of your runtime without affecting how you write code.  For
example, our Google App Engine module uses the asynchronous http library
native to that platform, in lieu of spawning threads.

Recently, we've been working on Opscode Chef support, which gives you a
global, collaborative environment for systems configuration and
integration.  You can create reusable cookbooks that bootstrap machines and
layer on the right software and settings for your application.  You can
invite your team to configure a role for your application complete with
properties relevant for that environment.  You can also perform searches
across your infrastructure to see if any nodes haven't "checked in" lately.

One interesting use case for Chef is centrally managing platform
configuration such as servlet environments.  For example, you can place data
such as encrypted keys, locations of datasources, etc, in Chef.  You can
then use jclouds-chef to connect that to your java configuration process
(ex. Guice or Spring).

Next Friday morning, I'll review an example of how to do this inside the
Google App Engine, although this is equally applicable in other context.  If
you are interested, join the webcast next Friday 6 August at 08:00 PDT and
find out more!

-Adrian Cole
founder jclouds
evangelist @ Opscode

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