Your solution is almost correct for solving the Test set 1
The only mistake you have made is in function *solve1()*

Because you want to represent each worker with the binary representation of 
the index, i.e. from *0* to *n-1*,
you should use 

*l = len(bin(n - 1).lstrip('0b'))*

to determine the number of query you need to send.
using *bin(n)* will give you length of *11* when n is *1024*
在2021年3月3日星期三 UTC-8 下午2:02:02<> 写道:

> Hi! 
> I am new into coding competitions and have started trying to solve past 
> problems. I got no problem while solving 2019 Qualification Round problems 
> A, B and C, but when it comes to the problem D, even when it works when I 
> run it locally, google sends me a Runtime Error (RE), but I don't really 
> know why this happens and I would really appreciate if someone could help 
> me.
> I think the problem comes with the interactive part of the problem. Also I 
> want to notice that I know my solutions does not work for Test Set 2 since 
> I have not come with an answer for that, but for Test Set 1 it should work 
> fine, but as I said before I get an RE.
> Here is the code I use to trying solving it in Python 3:
> -------------------------------------------
> def solve1(n):
>     l = len(bin(n).lstrip('0b'))
>     inp = [''] * l
>     for i in range(n):
>         a = bin(i).lstrip('0b').zfill(n)
>         for j in range(l):
>             inp[j] += a[n-j-1]
>     return inp , l
> def solve2(m,l):
>     a = [''] * len(m[0])
>     p = []
>     for i in range(len(m[0])):
>         for j in range(l):
>             a[i] += m[l-j-1][i]
>     for k in a:
>         p.append(int(k,2))
>     return p
> def get_values(n,a,b):
>     sol = []
>     for i in range(n):
>         if i not in a:
>             sol.append(i)
>             b -= 1
>             if b == 0:
>                 break
>     return sol
> def solve():
>     m = []
>     n, b, f = map(int, input().split())
>     inp , l = solve1(n)
>     for i in range(l):
>         print(inp[i] , flush = True)
>         m.append(str(input()))
>     p = solve2(m,l)
>     sol = get_values(n,p,b)
>     print(*sol , flush = True)
>     verdict = int(input())
> t = int(input()) 
> for _ in range(t):
>     solve() 
> ----------------------------------------------
> If someone knows why locally works with F = 10, but when I submit it to 
> Google I get the RE error I would be really happy. 
> Thanks in advance. 

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