I just made the large input case for problem C by storing 'next
position' and 'cash' arrays, then just iterating over them R times.
This seems to be O(N+R). But I've been wondering about possible
optimizations to this. I can think of an O(NlogR) solution in which I
nest the 'next position' and 'cash' arrays, only adding up cash/
changing position when the correct bit of R is on (binary). I've
pasted my code below (the algorithm described here is really just the
solve() function and the rest is wrapping). I'd be interested in a
comparison of different optimizations/algorithms over the problem

def doProb(fname, ofname):
    #do problem 3 given a file name
    f = open(fname, 'r');
    T = int(f.readline());
    output = ['Case #' + str(i) + ': '+ \
                str(solve([int(j) for j in f.readline().split()],
[int(j) for j in f.readline().split()])) + \
                '\n' for i in range(1,T+1)];
    of = open(ofname, 'w');

def solve(x,g):
    (R,k,N) = x; #unpack the input
    (np, cash) = getParms(k,g);
    cur = 0;
    tot = 0;

        incl = R%2;
        R = R//2;
            tot += cash[cur];
            cur = np[cur];
        (np, cash) = nest(np, cash);
    return tot;

def nest(np, cash):
    #thinking of np as a permutation, get np^2 and total cash list
    np2 = [0]*len(np);
    c2  = [0]*len(np);
    for i in range(len(np)):
        np2[i] = np[np[i]];
        c2[i] = cash[i]+cash[np[i]];
    return (np2, c2);

def getParms(k,g):
    N= len(g);

    #special case, all passengers fit in the roller coaster:
    if(sum(g) <= k):
        np = [i for i in range(N)];
        cash = [sum(g)]*N;
        return (np, cash);

    #other cases
    np = [];
    cash = [];
    for i in range(N):
        tot = g[i];
        j = i;
        while(tot <= k):
            j = (j+1)%N;
            tot += g[j];
        tot -= g[j];

    return (np, cash);

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