Re: guice 3.0 assisted inject: app vs applet: bug?

2010-12-14 Thread Andrei Pozolotin
Hello, Again! can anyone please confirm than you can also reproduce java.lang.NoSuchMethodError in eclipse applet viewer on linux x32/x64? the code at the begining of this discussion is single self-contained compilation unit that you can copy/paste in any guice eclipse project of yours; thank yo

Re: configure Singleton

2010-12-14 Thread Sam Berlin
Use bind(*new TypeLiteral>(){*}).[] instead of bind( *MaxBoundSet.class*).[...]. This tells Guice that you want a typed version of the set. The funky syntax is because you're creating a subclass of TypeLiteral so that Java can retain the generics information at runtime, allowing Guice to do i

Re: Is MapBinder compatible with AppEngine?

2010-12-14 Thread Sam Berlin
FYI, the AppEngine folks are aware of the problem. There's an issue @ for a similar breakage (not caused by MapBinder, but because of the same problem). You can track that for updates. sam On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Nacho Colo

Re: configure Singleton

2010-12-14 Thread Peter
both suggestions pointed me in the right direction ... thanks for them! Now I'm using: @Inject private Provider lastSearches; // along with bind(MaxBoundSet.class).toInstance(new MaxBoundSet(30, 60).setMaxAge(10 * 60 * 1000)); the following line won't work! @Inject private Provider> lastSearches