On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 9:15 PM, Dirk Nimerem <nene1...@sinnlos-mail.de>wrote:

> Hi,
> Let's say i have a class which represents an user, called "User" and an
> interface implemented by this class called "IUser". The IUser interface
> declares one method called "sendMail(String text)" for the user. Also i
> created an interceptor/ aspect via the Guice bindInterceptor method for my
> IUser. The aspect simply logs every call for the sendMail() method, that
> works fine.
> 1.) But how do i test, that my aspect works properly? I don't have an idea
> how to write an unit test for that. My idea was to create an IUser mock and
> trigger the public sendMail() method from outside. But how do I create an
> aspect on top of a mock?

First, I think you should unit test the interceptor itself, making sure
that the log event is called. It's a little tricky, but you can achieve
that with Mockito and log4j.

If you really want to test the interceptor is binded correctly, you should
write some kinda functional / integration test case. Here, you'll start
your the Injector and check that the log is written or something alike.

> 2.) In my aspect/ interceptor i simply check the methodname like this: "if
> methodname == 'sendMail'". But if i rename/ refactor the sendMail Method my
> aspect won't work anymore. Is there a better way to to that?

You should use custom annotation for that and apply it only on the methods
you want logging. Then configure your interceptor like:

  any(), // classes
  annotatedWith(YourAnnon.class), // methods
  new YourLoggingInterceptor());

I think the examples about AOP in the wiki [1] are pretty clear, but let me
know if I can help you further!


[1] http://code.google.com/p/google-guice/wiki/AOP

> Thanks,
> Dirk
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