Oh sages of the Maps API :) I'm hoping for a few pointers here please.

I've implemented a map using a similar technique to what is shown in
the tutorial below:


Basically I've created an XML feed of blog posts out of a mySQL
database which have a post date, title, lat, lng etc then overlay them
as drop pins using the lat, lng on a map which all works nicely.

Currently I filter the feed so it only returns posts in the last few
days using the following query:

$query = "SELECT * FROM blog_post WHERE postDate >=(CURDATE()-3)";

However I'm trying to enhance the functionality somewhat to allow the
user to manipulate the date range of posts shown to achieve a similar
effect to what is seen here except except showing pins and the
variable will be the number of days.


My thinking at the moment is to modify the SQL query to return a feed
of updates in the last say 60 days then filter the result using
JavaScript on the page, however I'm not sure how to do that!

Any suggestions on the best way to achieve this or links to examples/
tutorial would be much appreciated.

Many Thanks

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