

I am very new to Google maps and I want to use it. But I have got problems.


Problem 1:

---------------- No markers at all -----------

When testing in Localhost mode I got 300 markers nicely displayed on the 

When publishing it to my website only the map but no markers displayed.

Have I mixed API V2 and V3 in a bad way?

This is the website:


                  choose uk-flag for language

                  choose 'Places' in left column

                  click 'Map300' on top

                  click starting point 'SydSverige'

The map opens and 300 markers SHOULD show up. But don't. Only the map.

Function SetMarkers() seems not to start.


Problem 2:

------------- Number of list elements/locations -------------

At first I tried to open 362 markers but then the map did not open at all.

I reduced the number of locations to 300 and now the map opens. But very 

Increase the number to 301 and nothing opens.


If you can choose 'Map362' on the above mentioned page you will see the 
situation where no map opens with 362 locations. The only difference between 
'Map300' and 'Map362' is the number of locations.

I get 'Error on page' that expects an ending bracket "]" after exactly 300 
elements in the variabel list.

Is there a limit of 300 elements in a variabel list in javascript??


Problem 3:

----------------------- should I go into KML or Google Fusion Tables? 

I fetch the data by ASP from my MsAccess database, and write it into a 
java-<script> clause on the webpage. At the moment I have 362 locations, 

My data is only: IdForPlace, NameOfPlace, Lat, Long, FilePathToThumbnail 


In the openInfoWindowHtml(html) associated to the marker (by the 
GEvent.addListener)  I will have an image of the thumbnail and a link to my 
website (using the IdForPlace).


I am now trying to learn about KML and Google Fusion Tables 

just to get faster rendering and to get all of my markers onto the map.


I found the KML FAQ and that was a good start. I may be able to convert my 
data to this XML format, and then use that fileā€¦


But what about Google Fusion Tables (= GFT)?

The Google explanations are NOT working (for me) so I must ask for help.

Is there a FAQ?

What kind of tables (format) are they?

Where are they stored?

How and where can I create them?

I have data in msAccess tables. Can I convert that to GFT?


There seems to be many steps to take before I can get the data out to the 
markers via GFT.


Should I go for KML or GoogleFusionTables, or could I keep the ASP solution?



Thanks for your thoughts!





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