I've got a map with 3 fairly large KML overlays, although in theory
they meet the restrictions detailed here:

And I'm in the middle of investigating these two group threads for

But in the meantime, I'm hoping for any critique of my code and help
with two specific problems:
1. Is there a better way for me to signal to the user that the KMLs
are loaded (and drawn)? Right now I'm waiting for the map tiles to
draw, then firing the KML overlays via setMap(map). Then I have a
ListenerOnce on the metadata_changed event that sets up my legend
throbbers. Any better ideas?
2. The draw order isn't working quite right on initial load in IE7.
You should see the KMLs order up like the legend shows, with the blue
outlines on top. IE7 dumps the multi-colored polygons on top for
initial load - but if you toggle anything in the legend, it returns to

Here's my page:

Any help is much appreciated.

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