Hi there, 

I'm trying to develop a website where some vehicles are geolocated in a 

I'm testing with several devices, but issues come up with Nokia 5800 
 screen, Symbian S60) and Blackberry 
 touch screen) 

After trying some research, "home-made tricks" and several other options... 
I tried to start once again from the basics, so just in case i was missing 
something, I went back to some of the examples in the v3 api docu:

So here come my concerns (related to the google examples linked above):

1. I tried enlarging the "zooming controls" and "panning controls" in Nokia 
with no sucess (via i.e. CSS3 transform-scale). 
>>Q: Is it even possible to do it? the symbols are to small for human 

2.  When i try to "finger-pan" the map in the Nokia touch screen, i only 
get to scroll .
>>Q: Is  there any way of making the "pan by touch" available in Nokia? 

3. I don't even see the marker in the google examples when i surf with 
(Nokia) .  
>>Q: Any Idea what could be happening here? 

4. In BB you can see the marker, but nothing happens when you click, 
actually it doesn't even change the cursor to the hand symbol.
>> Q: and here? 

I'll keep on trying and will post whatever I happen to find out...

I would appreciate any hints, which may point me in the right direction.. 

Thanks a lot in advance, 


PS. **I have to admit that I am no master YET in js world, and although i 
give my best  to try to get there... it may still take a while :)

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