I have a markers currently being loaded by a KML file. I'm using html
in the description block of the Place markers. Whenever the HTML is
loaded by the maps api, numerous css and js elements are being
stripped out so that the HTML does not display correctly. The KML is
correct because I load it into Google Earth and everything displays
exactly the way that it should.

Does anyone know of a work around to this issue? I also tried loading
the html through an iFrame but that also was being stripped from the
KML when loaded to the info window. The only way that I could get the
iFrame to work was by creating the markers through javascript. The
main issue here is that I have too many markers to load for it to be
handled by javascript.

Map - http://dev.peoplegroups.imbresources.org/
KML - http://dev.peoplegroups.imbresources.org/downloads/peoplegroups.kml

I appreciate any thoughts or comments.

Joe Brislin

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