You can use the infobox.js library to add labels to V3 maps:

One of the examples shows exactly how to do it.

On Apr 6, 11:07 am, iTraceDesigns <>
> How can I add extra labels to my maps? I'm specifically talking about
> adding shopping centers, etc. I've been trying to add all labels like
> this:
> "...
> [
>   {
>     featureType: "all",
>     elementType: "labels",
>     stylers: [
>       { visibility: "on" }
>     ]
>   }
> ]
> ..."
> But nothing is added. Is there some other information that I need to
> be including in my code, or does that not come with the API?
> Note: I am using API version 3, and my map is already showing some
> labels like churches ect.
> Thanks,

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