On Dec 9, 10:22 am, Joe Brislin <j...@blueridgeinteractive.com> wrote:
> I have a markers currently being loaded by a KML file. I'm using html
> in the description block of the Place markers. Whenever the HTML is
> loaded by the maps api, numerous css and js elements are being
> stripped out so that the HTML does not display correctly. The KML is
> correct because I load it into Google Earth and everything displays
> exactly the way that it should.
> Does anyone know of a work around to this issue? I also tried loading
> the html through an iFrame but that also was being stripped from the
> KML when loaded to the info window. The only way that I could get the
> iFrame to work was by creating the markers through javascript. The
> main issue here is that I have too many markers to load for it to be
> handled by javascript.
> Map -http://dev.peoplegroups.imbresources.org/
> KML -http://dev.peoplegroups.imbresources.org/downloads/peoplegroups.kml

It looks like you have complete html documents in the <description>
tag.  I wouldn't expect that to work.  I would just include the html
markup that you want.

I can't comment on Google Earth.
This is kml in general:

This is about kml support in Google Maps/the API:

  -- Larry

> I appreciate any thoughts or comments.
> Thanks,
> Joe Brislin

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