6 identical posts to 3 different groups will not get you a faster
answer, on the contrary, you'll annoy people and cause them to ignore

You've already posted to the Places API group:

Marcelo - http://maps.forum.nu

On Feb 7, 11:38 pm, Hamza Kamaleddine <h.kamaledd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am facing a missing data problem in Google Places API!
> As seen in the example below, the Place additional info like added
> images, mobile, alternate phone, fax phone, are shown in the Google
> Map search results, but not through the Google Places API!
> Following this link, you could notice the added alternate phone
> number, mobile, etc:
> Google Maps Search 
> Request:http://www.google.com/maps/place?cid=4256683212236351718&q=hamza+kama...
> But using the Google Places API (using the HTTP requesta below):
> The Place Search 
> Request:https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/search/json?location=33.81...
> The Place Details 
> Request:https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?reference=CnR...
> The Place Details Response (JSON):
> {
>    "html_attributions" : [],
>    "result" : {
>       "address_components" : [
>          {
>             "long_name" : "Aley",
>             "short_name" : "Aley",
>             "types" : [ "locality", "political" ]
>          },
>          {
>             "long_name" : "LB",
>             "short_name" : "LB",
>             "types" : [ "country", "political" ]
>          },
>          {
>             "long_name" : "1000",
>             "short_name" : "1000",
>             "types" : [ "postal_code" ]
>          }
>       ],
>       "formatted_address" : "Ain Al Jdide Road, ØÑíÞ Úíä ÇáÌÏíÏÉ,
> Aley, Lebanon",
>       "formatted_phone_number" : "70 975 590",
>       "geometry" : {
>          "location" : {
>             "lat" : 33.8113420,
>             "lng" : 35.619370
>          }
>       },
>       "icon" : "http://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/
> generic_business-71.png",
>       "id" : "a1063b63d187a576cf420e459aca9141e46bb8b6",
>       "international_phone_number" : "+961 70 975 590",
>       "name" : "Hamza Kamaleddine - Home",
>       "reference" : "...",
>       "types" : [ "establishment" ],
>       "url" : "http://maps.google.com/maps/place?
> cid=4256683212236351718",
>       "vicinity" : "Ain Al Jdide Road, ØÑíÞ Úíä ÇáÌÏíÏÉ, Aley",
>       "website" : "http://lb.linkedin.com/in/hkamaleddine";
>    },
>    "status" : "OK"
> }
> As you can notice in the retrieved JSON object, the images, mobile,
> alternate, and fax numbers are missing!
> How to solve this issue please?
> Much Thanks.
> Best Regards,
> Hamza

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