If you don't mind, can you please change that "167" in the second paragraph
to "347". Thanks.

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 4:20 PM, Bob Pollack <robert.h.poll...@gmail.com>wrote:

> As discussed in
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-maps-js-api-v3/browse_thread/thread/16a7ec0ed7b9298d
> ,
> a lat-long box is specifed by it southwest and northeast corners. The
> SW corner is the first one, so the western edge of the box is always
> given by the first parameter, even when this makes the rectangle
> longer than 180 degrees.
> For example, if we specify a box from Chicago to New York, we get a
> short box, about 13 degrees wide. But if we specify a box from New
> York to Chicago, we get an enormous box that begins in New York, runs
> east across Europe and Asia and the Pacific Ocean and finally finishes
> in Chicago, 167 degrees later.
> But what if I say that the southern corner is New York and the
> northern corner is, say, Miami? Shouldn't I get a box that runs south
> from Miami, crosses the south pole, runs up the other side and over
> the north pole and finishes by arriving at New York from the north?
> Well, I don't. I get the same box no matter which order I specify them
> in.
> That is, LatLngBounds seems to be treating the lesser latitude as the
> southern one, no matter which parameter it is in. Is this the intended
> behavior? Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong?

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