Can I reverse geocode in the description tag?

        <![CDATA[ Here I'd like to have the address of the cordinats
in <Point>
                13.7, 56.4, 0

I'd like to use the latlng in <coordinates> to display the address of
that perticular position, how can I do that?

Also I wonder if there exist any way to extract more info from a KML
file from my own defined tags. E.g:

        <![CDATA[ description   ]]>
      <myTag> importantData </myTag>
                13.7, 56.4, 0

I'd like to extract the value from the <myTag> e.g. with

google.maps.event.addListener(kmlLayer, 'click', function(kmlEvent) {

in a similar manner that I can reach the description tag with

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