Canvas definitely works in wave gadgets.  I haven't done anything
complex, but have made sure it works.

Some gadget trouble shooting tips:

1) Make sure you have your script references right.  While the basic
canvas function may work, if you are using a framework or library,
you'll need make sure they are loading. I have found that it's best to
server any resources directly from the same domain (and path) as the
gadget file.

e.g.  <script src="

2) If you have to set up the environment, make sure to run it in a
function fired by gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler(init_script);

3) You can treat the data in <![CDATA[ ... ]]> as it's own webpage.
You can provide a HEAD and BODY section etc.

Hope this helps, I'm sure there are more technical or complete
explanations, but this is what works for me.

On Jan 7, 9:10 am, flidstrom <> wrote:
> I'm playing around with google wave gadgets and am trying to do some
> custom drawing. I have a gadget set up to use javascript to render a
> scene in a canvas. The javascript code works fine in a browser, so I
> know that's not an issue. When I run the same code in a wave gadget, I
> get the placeholder text defined in the canvas element for browsers
> that don't support it.
> It seems like the canvas simply doesn't work in a gadget, but since
> I'm new at this I thought I should ask to make sure. It seems odd that
> a canvas wouldn't work in a gadget, considering how strongly Google
> has been pushing for html 5. If canvas is not supported now, are there
> any plans to do so in the future?
> Thanks.
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