Yep, correct, p in your example is an user "email", so modifying your  
Notify function to take an extra parameter and pass p would do it.

The properties object for a WAVELET_PARTICIPANTS_CHANGED event looks  
like this in Python:

{u'blipId': u'b+FkFz5bg3D', u'participantsRemoved': [],  
u'participantsAdded': [']}


On Nov 2, 2009, at 5:40 PM, Gobba wrote:

> Ive built the greeting bot from the tutorial in python. But i cant
> figure out the properties. Like how would i do if i wanted to reply a
> "hi (joining user)" instead of "hi everyone" ?
> this is the code:
> from waveapi import events
> from waveapi import model
> from waveapi import robot
> def OnParticipantsChanged(properties, context):
>        added= properties['participantsAdded']
>        for p in added:
>                Notify(context)
> def OnRobotAdded(properties, context):
>        root_wavelet = context.GetRootWavelet()
>        root_wavelet.CreateBlip().GetDocument().SetText("Im alive!")
> def Notify(context):
>        root_wavelet = context.GetRootWavelet()
>        root_wavelet.CreateBlip().GetDocument().SetText("Hi
> Everybody!")
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>        myRobot = robot.Robot('textilizer', image_url='http://
>', version='1.1',
> profile_url='http://textilizer.appspot⺠      myRobot.RegisterHandler
> (events.WAVELET_PARTICIPANTS_CHANGED, OnParticipantsChanged)
>        myRobot.RegisterHandler(events.WAVELET_SELF_ADDED,
> OnRobotAdded)
>        myRobot.Run()
> i think the attribute is in in p ? correct?
> plz help
> -gob
> >

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