
you are facing a non-trivial synchronization problem. A lock is always a big
problem in distributed systems
because if the lock owner leaves, you can only recover using timers.

Furthermore, how do you select who maintains the rules? This ends up being a
distributed consensus problem.
In general, text books about "distributed systems" contain algorithms for
distributed locks and distributed consensus.

However, these algorithms are
a) rather costly, i.e. slow
b) as a wave gadget you cannot really send messages. Thus, applying the
academic algorithms is inpractical.

Instead, have a look at synchronization using logical clocks (scalar or
vector clocks). I have done this for my gadget:
At this web site I have briefly discussed how the synchronization works. It
requires no locks and no distributed consensus which is a big advantage,Perhaps
this approach helps in your case, too.

However, I agree with you that the current way of handling gadget state is
rather a pain. For simple things like shopping lists or
Yes/No/Maybe it is sufficient,but for more fine grained collaboration it is
rather difficult to work with.


2009/10/8 razorcam <i...@free2.eu.org>

> Hi, I am a gadget developper, and I am trying to add multiuser Wave
> support to my "train your intelligence" gadget that you can test live
> on  my site www.razorcam.com . This is a realtime "game of life" with
> a twist: the rules are unknown and hidden in a randomly generated
> Javascript program at the start of each new game.
> This javascript program is "alive" thanks to a Javascript timer that
> runs it frequently even if the user does nothing.
> But in Gwave all the users will run this timer by default. So they
> will all modify the board at the same time, generating conflicts.
> My solution is to have only one user run the rules, and to do so I
> will use a synchronization variable (a lock, also called a semaphore)
> stored in the wave state. This variable holds the time when the lock
> was last applied so that other users can remove the lock if the owner
> of the lock has gone away. There is a potential racing condition when
> the lock is set thus a "sleep" maybe needed after the lock is set, in
> order to test if another user tried to overwrite the lock.
> I hope that one day Gwave will offer a lock/semaphore mechanism for
> synchronization in gadgets.
> The open source code is in Savannah, a project hosting service from
> the Free Software Foundation, so that anyone can help this project:
> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/intelligence.git/tree/
> >

Prof. Torben Weis
Universitaet Duisburg-Essen

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