Is IsSerializable depreciated?

2010-01-17 Thread Paul Grenyer
Hi All I was under the impression that IsSerializable was depreciated in favor of Serializable. However, I've just created a new exception type: package; import; public class ServerSideException extends

Re: Model-View-Presenter Architecture Diagram (w/ and w/o UIBinder)

2010-01-17 Thread java4africa
Are you sure this is the correct link? On Jan 15, 8:03 pm, Niel wrote: I took a stab at putting together some MVP architecture diagrams.  One diagram is pure MVP and the other is MVP + UIBinder.  I figured it may be helpful to others, however please note that that it may

Re: Is IsSerializable depreciated?

2010-01-17 Thread Jesper
I am not a GWT developer, but i might have a hint on what is wrong. Marking a class with is not enough to make the class serializable, you also have to obey the rules specified here: In your example i see a

Re: Using Firefox on Windows in Hosted Mode

2010-01-17 Thread masterGaurav
1. I get a lot of build errors. It's missing a task-definition file Build log is: 2. I'm completely new to OOPHM. Is there any document enlisting dependencies, build steps (if more than just ant) and build options

Re: Is IsSerializable depreciated?

2010-01-17 Thread bufferings
hi Jesper, any access modifier for the constructor can be used. This is documented and I tested id. 「Serializable User-defined Classes」 … 3. As of GWT 1.5, it must have a default

Re: BUG(chrome): TextBox inside FocusPanel can't be clicked

2010-01-17 Thread Thomas Broyer
On Jan 17, 2:34 am, Sky wrote: The following is a bug that only occurs in Chrome and therefore may be a Chrome bug and not a GWT bug. If I create a FocusPanel and place a TextBox inside it, it takes several (more than 4) mouse clicks on the TextBox to give focus

Re: How to mix UIBinding and in code style changing

2010-01-17 Thread Thomas Broyer
On Jan 16, 7:33 pm, PKolenic wrote: I have an application where I need to change dependant styles at run time. I want to use UIBinding as it easily helps layout the screen, however I am seeing a flaw. The CSS is converted into scoped names, but when you use

Re: PNG Transparency in Internet Explorer

2010-01-17 Thread Thomas Broyer
On Jan 16, 1:46 am, Francisco Bischoff wrote: Hello, Does anyone got to solve the IE incompatibility for PNG transparency using GWT? Have a look at And of course

Re: PNG Transparency in Internet Explorer

2010-01-17 Thread Thomas Broyer
On Jan 16, 1:55 am, Jim Douglas wrote: That KB article seems to imply that the problem is limited to IE6, is that right? APPLIES TO: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Would upgrading to IE8 eliminate the problem, or is this also an issue in IE7/IE8? Yes, it's limited to

Re: pre tags wrapping json response during image upload

2010-01-17 Thread Thomas Broyer
On Jan 16, 5:45 pm, Trevis wrote: Ok so, i noticed when i return json from a servlet that i'm using to handle image uploads that the reply was wrapped in a pre tag, i put in code to scrape it off and all seemed fine, till i tested in ie8. In that browser the pre tag was

Error while running unit tests - Servlets in web.xml are not identified

2010-01-17 Thread siva
We have a gwt application with some servlets and filters configured in web.xml. While writing unit tests to test the code making calls to these servlets, these servlets are not identified and looks like servlet configuration is expected in x.gwt.xml. There are no issues with hosted mode in

Re: Error while running unit tests - Servlets in web.xml are not identified

2010-01-17 Thread siva
We are using gwt 2.0 -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

Re: Is IsSerializable depreciated?

2010-01-17 Thread Paul Grenyer
Hi Jesper, any access modifier for the constructor can be used. This is documented and I tested id. Me too. 「Serializable User-defined Classes」 … 3. As of GWT 1.5, it must have

RequestBuilder problem retrieve response

2010-01-17 Thread ale
hi everybody, I have a problem using RequestBuilder. I would like to use the yahoo GeoPlanet service With this service you can retreive the WOEID of a town from the name... If I type the url on a browser i receive a file xml, but if I

Re: Injecting Spring beans into GWT services

2010-01-17 Thread marko
Thanks for the suggestion. The main uses in my project for Spring are DI and declarative transaction support. Does GWT-SL work with Spring 3.0 and GWT 2.0? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: Model-View-Presenter Architecture Diagram (w/ and w/o UIBinder)

2010-01-17 Thread bkbonner
It just has an extra http:// in the link.Look at the address and remove the extra http:// and you'll get there. On Jan 17, 8:40 am, java4africa wrote: Are you sure this is the correct link? On Jan 15, 8:03 pm, Niel wrote: I took a stab at

Re: Swing App on browser

2010-01-17 Thread Sorinel C
There are 2 methods: 1. You can make your java swing application as applet, and add it to the HTML pages. 2. There is a tool to convert automatically the Java Swing GUIs to the WEB ones, but I don't remember the name ... I'll come back later! Anyways, a very good Swing-ish GUI you can do with

Re: Cross window calls?

2010-01-17 Thread Djabi
Thanks for the reply. I'll try to use the client rpc to serialize message and then pass it across the window instances using the window.document.write. I'll post more once I have something working. Cheers! George On Jan 17, 12:58 am, rjcarr wrote: You'll almost certainly need

TabLayoutPanel -- how to set CSS for nested tabs

2010-01-17 Thread bkbonner
I'm going to try to rephrase this. How do I set CSS for the nested tabs? When I include the styles in the ui:style block, they seem to have a global effect. Brian On Jan 12, 7:48 pm, bkbonner wrote: I found this post about specifying CSS for the newTabLayoutPanel.  I

Re: Working in development mode in GWT with php

2010-01-17 Thread Djay
I have also the same problem. On a global aspect, the question is how to setup the dev environment (most of people using eclipse) with GWT and PHP? On 7 jan, 02:34, dleins wrote: I have ths exact problem with another JSON application using GWT 2.0. It works fine when compiled

ClientBundle compilation error

2010-01-17 Thread Arunava
I am getting an error while using ClientBundle in my project. I have used Eclipse to generate the ClientBundle. Also added the following line in Resource interface - 1. public static final Resources INSTANCE = GWT.create (Resources.class); The code that uses ClientBundle - 2. this.add(new

Re: Is IsSerializable depreciated?

2010-01-17 Thread dans
We experienced the same behavior (albeit with GWT 1.5). Dan On Jan 17, 1:25 am, Paul Grenyer wrote: Hi All I was under the impression that IsSerializable was depreciated in favor of Serializable. However, I've just created a new exception type: package

Hoste mode issue on OS X

2010-01-17 Thread Francisco Ceruti
Hi, I'm having serious trouble running GWT hosted mode on OS X. The compiler works fine, the problem is just the OOPHM. I've searched for a solution but came back empty handed. OS: OS X 10.5.8 java -version: 1.5.0_22 (I've tried updating java for mac on GWT: 2.0 Eclipse: 3.5

Re: Simple UiBinder question about ui:image resource=....

2010-01-17 Thread Nico
I checked in GWT source code and there is no resource tag for ui:image Available tags are : * field * src * flipRtl * repeatStyle On 12 jan, 17:24, Chris Ramsdale wrote: Do you have the following in your ui.xml file: ui:with field='res'

Re: Simple UiBinder question about ui:image resource=....

2010-01-17 Thread Nico
Thanks emerix for the src= tips. It helped me a lot. I have the same problem when I use resource={res.myImage} ... I have declared the ui:with field .. targeting the right Resource class but I always have an error that says : No$Source annotation and

Re: AppController or PlaceManager

2010-01-17 Thread beakesland
Hi, 'rhanks for the interesting thread, the link to the source seems off, this is where I found it. Phil On Dec 31 2009, 5:36 pm, Sripathi Krishnan wrote:

Re: MVP Article... Source Code?

2010-01-17 Thread Krishna
Julien / Ojay: I've been using gwt-dispatch (an implementation of the command pattern described by Ray Ryan in his i/o 2009 talk) to achieve what you describe. You can get the source for gwt-dispatch from Krishna On Jan 17, 6:43 am, ojay

GWT + Web.xml

2010-01-17 Thread Michael Brecht
Hi, I have question for which I'm sure there must a simple solution - I just haven't found it yet and so I hope someone can give me a hint. I'm writing a small GWT application where there's only one static page (index.html) and many dynamic pages which I'll create on the fly from data in a

modular GWT application ?

2010-01-17 Thread maskac
Hello, please can anyone help me with designing modular application in gwt? I would like to have one page, like smartgwt showcase, but it should load pages to tabs dynamicaly from modules (war files with gwt apps, specified by extra url). Is it possible to write such app in gwt? Thanks, and

Panels apparently not working?

2010-01-17 Thread reuben
Hey, I'm new to GWT and am experimenting with adding widgets to my app. I am using copy and paste code from the documentation: public void onModuleLoad() { final DockLayoutPanel p = new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.EM); p.addNorth(new HTML(header), 2); p.addSouth(new

Failed to resolve 'com.doep.rooter.rpc.UserService' via deferred binding

2010-01-17 Thread fhucho
Hi, I have an incredibly frustrating bug - when I do GWT compile, it gives me this error: [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/home/dsf/sdff/com/doep/rooter/rpc/ UserService' [ERROR] Line 9: Failed to resolve '/home/dsf/sdff/com/doep/ rooter/rpc/UserService' via deferred binding On server side I am

Re: Panels apparently not working?

2010-01-17 Thread Jaan
If you use LayoutPanels then you should add them to RootLayoutPanel, not RootPanel. It's mentioned in the Layout Panels section of this document: I've spent lot of time myself to find this out. On Jan 16, 5:43 pm, reuben

Re: Hoste mode issue on OS X

2010-01-17 Thread Jim Douglas
Francisco, Do you have any Swing components in your app, Francisco? Does it run at all in DevMode (OOPHM)? I have what looks like the same problem here, but my app basically works; the effects are limited to those annoying NSConditionLock error messages, and some Swing components that we use

Re: Maven users survey

2010-01-17 Thread olivier nouguier
Hi It's a great new - Create a new project? Just a maven process, I've never used the perhaps-existing maven-gwt-plugin archetype because I use very custom - Perform GWT compiles? With maven-gwt-plugin during packaging (clean install). Some time with GEP when I want to test

Re: listener not working for text onclick

2010-01-17 Thread Pankaj Goyal
Thanks rjcarr :) Regards, Pankaj Goyal +91 96636 42808 On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 12:58 PM, rjcarr wrote: Since you mention columns and rows I'm going to assume you're using some sort of HTMLTable. Add a click handler to your table and once you

Resizing tabLayoutPanel

2010-01-17 Thread IceXplorer
Hello, is it possible to have a different height for each tab content of a tabLayoutPanel? As far as I saw, contents of tabs depend on .gwt- TabLayoutPanel css class, which defines their size, but they all have the same. Any idea ? Thanks ! -- You received this message because you are

Re: Problem adding WebKit keyFrame animation in CSS ResourceBundle file

2010-01-17 Thread fvisticot
Nobody can help me to include this webkit animation in the ResourceBundle... Is it a bug ? Any help is welcome Fred. On 28 déc 2009, 01:26, fvisticot wrote: I would like to add this keyFrame animation in my CSS  file managed by a ResourceBundle. I have added a '\'

Re: Referencing deprecated class warning stack

2010-01-17 Thread Trevis
Hey, Thanks. I just noticed your update. That work around does resolve the issue for me. I had to also remove the old 1.7 dtd from the top of the xml file because i was getting errors because i guess that 'extend- configuration-property' is a new element. I couldnt find a 2.0 DTD and i see that

Re: Resizing tabLayoutPanel

2010-01-17 Thread IceXplorer
Oups, sorry but I forgot to say that the TabLayoutPanel that I want to resize is nested inside a VerticalPanel. When alone, the tabLayoutPanel works fine, but when it's inside another element it's limited by the parent's element size. I really don't understant why the tabLayoutPanel, unlike

Re: Duplicate RPCs in gwt + app engine -- why?

2010-01-17 Thread John V Denley
ah yes, ive had that one, i was recreating the dialogs and buttons each time, and then found id defined multiple on click events which all did the same thing, so that when the user clicked on the submit button, it actually initiated the same function multiple times! I also fell down the trap of

Re: javascript error (invalid Argument)

2010-01-17 Thread John V Denley
Does anyone have any ideas how to debug this javascript problem with IE? or even where to start debugging it? Thanks, John On Jan 10, 5:25 pm, John V Denley wrote: Im not doing any direct DOM assignments, its all pure GWT and CSS (Im also using GAE) but its all

Adsense with GWT: Management by silence

2010-01-17 Thread Blessed Geek
Twenty years ago, someone once told me that doing business in China is like having the rules changed in the middle of a ball game. Unlike China, Japanese management rewards you for highlighting ambiguities in instructions and policies. Japanese management takes pains to ensure you are well aware

TRying to upload a file

2010-01-17 Thread tedpottel
Hi, I cannot figure out how to upload a file. I copied the sample code at The program seemed to run fine, I 1. Click the browse button to choose a file to upload. 2. clicked submit.

Re: Working in development mode in GWT with php

2010-01-17 Thread 张扬
i foud that too little people protect the environment i nearly Despaired... Sincerely Best Wishes Mobile:1353434 Fax:0755-27374750 Add:深圳宝安区福永街道广深公路伏船岗工业区兴益福永工业城A1栋2D 深圳鑫运祥精密刀具有限公司 财务部

Re: Injecting Spring beans into GWT services

2010-01-17 Thread Alexander
Works fine Spring 2.5.6 GWT 2.0. 2010/1/18 marko Thanks for the suggestion. The main uses in my project for Spring are DI and declarative transaction support. Does GWT-SL work with Spring 3.0 and GWT 2.0? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to

Developer Plugin host whitelist/blacklist

2010-01-17 Thread Stevko
re: the GWT Developer Plugin in Firefox and Chrome on Windows/Vista. Within the plugin on Firefox I am able to include the public hostname of my computer which is also the same as the hostname of my application URL via the options dialog titled Security Restrictions. The Chome version of the

Re: Panel with mouse events

2010-01-17 Thread Fazeel Kazi
When you have a large no of listeners, as in your case Pankaj or When no listeners are available. Use EventPreview class. It will detect any event occurring anywhere in your page. Event.addNativePreviewHandler(new Event.NativePreviewHandler() { public void

Re: Launching DevMode from ANT and debug in Eclipse?

2010-01-17 Thread Ewald Pankratz
I also had a problem with the debuging in eclipse before. I googled for it and found out that there is a problem with some java version. Better try the lasted one. On Jan 15, 10:40 pm, ABB wrote: OK it now works for one of these projects. When i Debug as... Web

Re: DevMode 64-bit Linux InteliiJ IDEA

2010-01-17 Thread Ewald Pankratz
I work with ubuntu 9.10 and GWT 2.0 and eclipse 3.5 on Linux 64 bit without problems. On Jan 15, 2:16 pm, Hamlet D'Arcy wrote: GWT Development Mode is not running for me using 64-bit Linux and IntellJ IDEA. I see there are some other threads and bug reports already for

Re: TRying to upload a file

2010-01-17 Thread Ewald Pankratz
I am a newbie and I am never sure about anything. But for me it looks the whole server part of the example is missing. On Jan 18, 2:33 am, tedpottel wrote: Hi, I cannot figure out how to upload a file.  I copied the sample code at