Its normal when i use a DoubleBox in a Editor to edit a double property
if i clear the value of the box i get a null pointer exception?
If so how can i validate a DoubleBox with the JSR 303 Validation?
My code looks something like this:
@DecimalMin(value="0.0", mess
Interesting, I was on my cell phone before, couldn't check to see but could
have sworn that it would take an Element. In any case, if it all fails I
guess try then:
ImageElement element =;
Context2d.drawImage() wants an ImageElement, but orange.getElement() only
produces an Element instance. This is why in the example I had:;
On Saturday, 10 November 2012 14:07:27 UTC-5, Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil
> When you go to draw
When you go to draw try passing orange.getElement()
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 10, 2012, at 2:03 PM, markww wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use ClientBundle with an image. My interface:
> public interface MyImages extends ClientBundle {
> @Source("orange.png")
> ImageReso
I'm trying to use ClientBundle with an image. My interface:
public interface MyImages extends ClientBundle {
ImageResource orange();
The image "orange.png" is in the same package as the above class.
Now I try to use it:
public void drawCa
This is specified by Java and is by design. The rationale is here:
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Hey Guys,
I´m running into a strange caching issue. I have two modules. One admin
module and one user module. In my admin module I can add an entity and
persist it to the GAE datastore (via objectify). Everything works fine
there. In my user module I have two activites: one for showing a list o
When you declare an exception (checked or unchecked) in an interface it
means that anyone who uses this interface should be prepared to handle this
exception but it does not mean that every implementation of that interface
must throw this exception. Maybe an implementation exists that simply do
Quick guess: maybe the throws declaration only forces the client to handle
the exception?
However it doesn't make sense to throw different exceptions inside the
implementation (so they should be bound to the throws decalration in the
interface), does it?
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Quick guess: maybe the throws declaration only forces the client to handle
the exception?
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Furthermore, even declaring different throws statements in the interface,
the async one and the implementing class doesn't even cause any warning:
all by design?
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Using GWT 2.5.0 and Eclipse Juno I'm declaring a *throws
RuntimeException*inside a method signature.
Thought that this should force implementing methods to declare this as well
but Eclipse doesn't complain on not doing so.
Is this by design (of Java and/or GWT)? If so: what's the whole purpose
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