On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 8:42 AM, <google-web-toolkit@googlegroups.com>wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group: http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/topics
>    - Creating image from base64 <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_0> [2
>    Updates]
>    - Why GWT HTTP client can't receive HTTP 
> response<#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_1>[5 Updates]
>    - TabLayoutPanel SelectionHandler invoked multiple 
> times<#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_2>[1 Update]
>    - Initializing Hibernate <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_3> [1 Update]
>    - Develop Web application <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_4> [11
>    Updates]
>    - widget's parent does not implement 
> HasWidgets<#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_5>[2 Updates]
>    - Reporting in GWT <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_6> [2 Updates]
>    - Session management in GWT <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_7> [1
>    Update]
>    - GWT Plugin does not work in Chrome 16.0.912.63 m on Windows 2008
>    64bit <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_8> [1 Update]
>    - RequestFactory Imposible To use <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_9>[1 
> Update]
>    - checking out the gwt code into eclipse create a chicken & egg
>    problem.. <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_10> [2 Updates]
>    - GWT and Hibernate <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_11> [1 Update]
>    - Documentation of GWT <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_12> [2 Updates]
>    - I made Selenium + GWT setup 
> instructions<#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_13>[4 Updates]
>    - Java for back end coding <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_14> [2
>    Updates]
>    - CellTable CheckboxCell setTitle() <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_15>[1 
> Update]
>    - Cell Table Header Sorting Symbol 
> Overlap<#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_16>[1 Update]
>    - 500 The call failed on the server <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_17>[1 
> Update]
>    - Small library for handling GWT's history. Connected with Places and
>    Activities <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_18> [1 Update]
>    - GWT-RCharts Released (An interactive client side Charting Library
>    with 3D CHARTS) <#1347fc2255674bc4_group_thread_19> [1 Update]
>   Creating image from 
> base64<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/7c88e2507eaf2739>
>    Mark <mdshol...@gmail.com> Dec 26 06:01PM -0800
>    The OP didn't say anything about a specific browser; this is the only
>    solution I know of for client-side handling of base64 data using GWT.
>    I would suggest that you make an HTML element containing ...more
>    Jens <jens.nehlme...@gmail.com> Dec 27 05:41AM -0800
>    If you want to support larger images (larger than 32kb) and/or IE6/IE7
>    you
>    have to use your current approach:
>    class MyImage implements Serializable {
>    String imageUrl; //which will point to ...more
>   Why GWT HTTP client can't receive HTTP 
> response<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/ae7af6c7e1f3aa02>
>    "Justin@GWT" <justi...@gmail.com> Dec 26 05:57PM -0800
>    I follow the example code provided by Google GWT to send a HTTP GET
>    request and receive the response. The GET request was sent out
>    successfully, but can't receive response message. Actually the ...more
>    Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil <laww...@gmail.com> Dec 26 11:11PM -0500
>    See:
>    http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/1.6/FAQ_Server.html
>    Look for SOP.
>    Regards,
>    Alfredo
>    --
>    Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil
>    AOL/Yahoo/Gmail/MSN IM: lawwton
>    ...more
>    "Justin@GWT" <justi...@gmail.com> Dec 26 09:24PM -0800
>    Thanks.
>    Is there any workaround about the SOP? I would like to fetch some XML
>    data,
>    but not JSON data.
>    I tried to enable the cross-site host mode, but I was told "cross-site
>    hosted mode not yet ...more
>    Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil <laww...@gmail.com> Dec 27 07:17AM -0500
>    Unf. not a whole lot. Easiest might be to:
>    UI - Your server - XML API
>    Between the UI and your server you can use a variety of protocols. From
>    your server, then consume the API you need and ...more
>    Jens <jens.nehlme...@gmail.com> Dec 27 05:20AM -0800
>    1.) If the domain of the external URL is actually your production
>    domain
>    (the one where you would deploy and access the app for production) but
>    you
>    are developing using localhost as domain or ...more
>   TabLayoutPanel SelectionHandler invoked multiple 
> times<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/45cbc7f83d77869c>
>    ALB-PSP-DV1 <albpsp...@gmail.com> Dec 27 04:47AM -0800
>    Hi,
>    I have a TabLayoutPanel with 3 tabs. I have added a selection handler
>    to it to change the color of the selected/unselected tabs.
>    However the selectionHandler seems to be invoked 3 times ...more
>   Initializing 
> Hibernate<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/7c0ca401fd593059>
>    Paul Robinson <ukcue...@gmail.com> Dec 27 12:38PM
>    This really depends on how you set up your server, but you will
>    probably have a servlet that is used for communication with your GWT
>    client. So you can put your initialization code in your servlet's
>    ...more
>   Develop Web 
> application<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/724e5c65a407586c>
>    "Z.A Jafari" <zjaff...@gmail.com> Dec 27 12:38PM +0330
>    Hello there,
>    I have a ERP application which I have developed with JAVA Swing and
>    hibernate. My Users RDP the server and run the application. Now I wan
>    tto
>    develop a reporting application from the ...more
>    Ed <post2edb...@gmail.com> Dec 27 01:20AM -0800
>    Please do more homework before posting:
>    + GWT doc's get you well started. See the demo's app'.s
>    + There are many discussions on Hibernate/JPA/Gilead that help you
>    make the
>    correct decision. ...more
>    "Z.A Jafari" <zjaff...@gmail.com> Dec 27 01:02PM +0330
>    + GWT doc's get you well started. See the demo's app'.s
>    i have gone through the demos. i have also gone through the posts which
>    makes me more confused because of so many different comments. ...more
>    Ed Bras <post2edb...@gmail.com> Dec 27 10:47AM +0100
>    > because of so many different comments.
>    This is because there are many way's do/implement things and there is
>    no
>    silver bullet. It all depends on your own situation.
>    You are the expert about ...more
>    "Z.A Jafari" <zjaff...@gmail.com> Dec 27 01:22PM +0330
>    thanks for your feedbacks. for the hibernate section, do i use GILEAD
>    tool
>    or would you use something else,as a whole
>    ...more
>    "Z.A Jafari" <zjaff...@gmail.com> Dec 27 01:37PM +0330
>    can you please provide the link for the expense application
>    ...more
>    Ed Bras <post2edb...@gmail.com> Dec 27 11:10AM +0100
>    I would probably go for the Request Factory as I commented on the
>    current
>    discussion on this subject.
>    ...more
>    "Z.A Jafari" <zjaff...@gmail.com> Dec 27 01:46PM +0330
>    thanks.can you please post the link for the expense app.
>    ...more
>    Ed Bras <post2edb...@gmail.com> Dec 27 11:29AM +0100
>    > thanks.can you please post the link for the expense app.
>    > i have gone through the demos
>    Which demo app's did you go through? and where did you find them?
>    ...more
>    "Z.A Jafari" <zjaff...@gmail.com> Dec 27 02:08PM +0330
>    http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/tutorial/gettingstarted.html
>    ...more
>    Ed Bras <post2edb...@gmail.com> Dec 27 12:06PM +0100
>    >
>    http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/tutorial/gettingstarted.html
>    This is tutorial to build your first Hello world app.
>    Download the SDK in the download section and in the zip you find all
>    ...more
>   widget's parent does not implement 
> HasWidgets<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/555f6fddaf36ca6d>
>    mars <marsg...@gmail.com> Dec 26 10:00PM -0800
>    hi,
>    i m having trouble with my GWT web app. i use the gwt-presenter
>    module and try to follow it, but it failed at entryPoint file at the
>    line
>    ...more
>    Ed <post2edb...@gmail.com> Dec 27 01:28AM -0800
>    Put a breakpoint in Widget.removeFromParent and see why it throws that
>    exception (at line 204).
>    Apparently your display contains a parent Widget that doesn't
>    implement the
>    HasWidget interface. ...more
>   Reporting in 
> GWT<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/8a99cd24deafa478>
>    kaung myat <fedora.dea...@gmail.com> Dec 26 07:21PM -0800
>    Hi all,
>    I want to create a web page report with gwt. What kind of report can
>    i use with gwt?
>    If u have any solution, plz point me...
>    ...more
>    Ahmet Dakoglu <ahmetdako...@gmail.com> Dec 27 10:16AM +0200
>    You can generate the report using e.g jasperreports and show it in
>    seperate window. BTW, This way is not related with gwt but a good
>    solution i think
>    --
>    Ahmet DAKOĞLU
>    ...more
>   Session management in 
> GWT<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/8aef8f9e41818c15>
>    Albert van Veen <appienvanv...@gmail.com> Dec 27 08:33AM +0100
>    Auch, that looks kind of obvious:(. That did the trick. Thanks all for
>    your
>    help.
>    ...more
>   GWT Plugin does not work in Chrome 16.0.912.63 m on Windows 2008 
> 64bit<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/fab98e73a1f504ea>
>    Mohit <agg.mo...@gmail.com> Dec 26 09:19PM -0800
>    Hi,
>    I faced a similar problem. But when I started the app next time, the
>    browser start complaining that plugin is missing. I then install the
>    missing plugin. After that, its working fine. ...more
>   RequestFactory Imposible To 
> use<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/3e871635117cf530>
>    MagusDrk <magus....@googlemail.com> Dec 26 02:11PM -0800
>    Hi Aidan.
>    I did what you said about catch the null pointer exception, It looked
>    like the servlet for the request factory was bad mapped (but it was
>    never warned on compilation/excecution time). ...more
>   checking out the gwt code into eclipse create a chicken & egg 
> problem..<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/446ed62c7e8ee7c6>
>    Elhanan <elh.maa...@gmail.com> Dec 26 11:45AM -0800
>    hi..
>    i'm trying to checkout the gwt source code, cause i'm thinking about
>    contributing a widget of ValueSuggestionBox , so far i saw the eclipse
>    folder in svn, but the readme.txt is a little ...more
>    Jens <jens.nehlme...@gmail.com> Dec 26 01:02PM -0800
>    Just start Eclipse as normal. I have never started it from the
>    trunk/eclipse folder and it has always worked for me. Just follow the
>    rest
>    of the readme.txt to setup your Eclipse correctly.
>    ...more
>   GWT and 
> Hibernate<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/aa2bb6561625356f>
>    Elhanan <elh.maa...@gmail.com> Dec 26 12:07PM -0800
>    the ideal of of "one class that rules them all" may sound great at
>    first, especially if your'e coming of plain old server side where you
>    use
>    spring hibernate and what not, and you take for granted ...more
>   Documentation of 
> GWT<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/afc42d102150442b>
>    vaibhav jain <vaibhav12j...@gmail.com> Dec 26 04:20AM -0800
>    Hi,
>    I am new to GWT.I have seen documentation of GWT available on
>    links like http://code.google.com.I want to know if there is any way
>    to download this documentation as a PDF because i have ...more
>    Elhanan <elh.maa...@gmail.com> Dec 26 11:48AM -0800
>    tee- hee-hee :) take a number dude, (seriously i'm talking an actual
>    number
>    here), this has it's own special issue in code.google, and was starred
>    so
>    many times.
>    GWT may seem like all there, ...more
>   I made Selenium + GWT setup 
> instructions<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/4bde1cd7e61320e>
>    Brandon Donnelson <branflake2...@gmail.com> Dec 26 07:59AM -0800
>    Thanks.
>    I've also added a little bit more, ClickAndWait example:
>    http://c.gwt-examples.com/home/testing/selenium-testing
>    ...more
>    Ashwin Desikan <ashwin.desi...@gmail.com> Dec 26 10:18PM +0530
>    Brandon,
>    Great Work!
>    Cheers
>    Ashwin
>    On Sunday 25 December 2011 05:10 AM, Brandon Donnelson wrote:
>    ...more
>    Brandon Donnelson <branflake2...@gmail.com> Dec 26 11:38AM -0800
>    Thanks.
>    And I thought I add a video tutorial for it.
>    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAc1cWx2DaE
>    ...more
>    Ed Bras <post2edb...@gmail.com> Dec 26 08:40PM +0100
>    :)
>    I miss the Christmas Carols in the background...
>    Happy Christmas ;)
>    On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Brandon Donnelson
>    ...more
>   Java for back end 
> coding<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/84d1e2d56adf6218>
>    divStar <divs...@gmail.com> Dec 26 07:38AM -0800
>    Basically you COULD use php for backend - and instead of relying on
>    GWT-RPC, you could use a RequestFactory and push the objects around
>    using JSON or XML.
>    However I think it's a lot easier to ...more
>    Mohamed Turki <turki...@gmail.com> Dec 26 10:15AM -0800
>    Thanks everyone for your responses. I just thought maybe I should give
>    you more information so the responses can be more concrete.
>    My goal is to create a sort of forge where students here (in ...more
>   CellTable CheckboxCell 
> setTitle()<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/73818e966f2d838f>
>    divStar <divs...@gmail.com> Dec 26 07:18AM -0800
>    Hey Vivek,
>    this might be relevant for you:
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/browse_thread/thread/512c65f0f8a3d0bc/cec88ea01013338c?lnk=gst&q=celltable+title#cec88ea01013338c
>    ...more
>   Cell Table Header Sorting Symbol 
> Overlap<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/c5d09534e507c0b0>
>    ayaon bakshi <aya...@gmail.com> Dec 26 04:23AM -0800
>    Hi,
>    I have implemented Cell Table in my application. The headers of my
>    cell table is having labels as well as sort symbols. As the size of
>    cell table changes dynamically on clicking. ...more
>   500 The call failed on the 
> server<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/6e8fe7a6ec85ad3a>
>    sonal <pratibhaban...@gmail.com> Dec 26 03:05AM -0800
>    package com.uis.loginuser.server;
>    import com.uis.loginuser.client.GreetingService;
>    import com.uis.loginuser.shared.FieldVerifier;
>    import com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet; ...more
>   Small library for handling GWT's history. Connected with Places and
> Activities<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/26d6f6cdfb5c8f96>
>    Kostya Kulagin <kkula...@gmail.com> Dec 26 02:09AM -0800
>    A little library which (from my point of view) could help handling GWT
>    history.
>    See http://code.google.com/p/gwt-state-navigator/
>    Maybe someone will find it usefull. We did. Any questions are ...more
>   GWT-RCharts Released (An interactive client side Charting Library with
> 3D 
> CHARTS)<http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/t/719fa14291e24aa6>
>    saurabh saurabh <saurabh.bl...@gmail.com> Dec 26 06:32AM -0800
>    pheww, Hi everyone,
>    ===================================== GWT-RCHARTS IS WORKING IN
>    ===============================================
>    I got ...more
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> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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