Do I assume that nothing came from this? We currently have to pre-parse all 
our source to handle what is and isn't compatible because our base project 
it too big to add @GwtIncompatible to everything.

On Monday, 22 June 2009 23:44:24 UTC+1, Tom Sorgie wrote:
> Hey guys, 
> Ever since I first looked at the @GWTCompatible annotation packaged in 
> the google-collections rc1 library, I've been thinking about the ways 
> that that could be used to enable controlled code reuse in a semi- 
> automated manner.  To date i haven't seen any conversation on the 
> subject, so i wanted to see if I could get a little insight into the 
> planned direction (if any) for the GWTCompatible annotation support in 
> GWT. 
> In my wildest dreams (regarding gwt), I could envision a new "source" 
> type declaration in the module.gwt.xml file like super-source.  It 
> would be called something like "compatible-only-source".  Java files 
> found on this path would be passed over a pre-processor (like the jsni- 
> rewriter), that would only include classes marked with the 
> @GWTCompatible annotation, and only methods within not marked 
> @GWTIncompatible. 
> This would enable reuse of core utility libraries (where compatible), 
> or at least interfaces (where emulation is the preferred compatibility 
> approach). 
> Is this close to the direction you guys are thinking for the @gwtc 
> annotation?  Do you have something else in mind?  The other approach 
> i've thought of, would be to generate a valid gwt-module by 
> preprocessing a source tree that was marked up with compatible and 
> incompatible annotations.  Doesn't seem quite as useable (since you'd 
> need to run a preprocessor over your whole source base) as the first 
> one, but might have less complexity. 
> tom.

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