Re: Large Data Set problems

2009-06-11 Thread Tom Hjellming
Hi Joe, The trick is to not even try to load that much data into the browser. We use the SmartGWT widget library which has very good support for virtual pagination of lists and comboboxes. By default, it only loads the first 75 rows and then as the user scrolls down, calls are made back to

Re: GWT 1.5.2

2008-11-12 Thread Tom Hjellming
: Thanks Tom. I didn't get this part Check your GWT project build path for that jar file and remove it.. What needs to be removed? On Nov 6, 9:28 pm, Tom Hjellming [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I had this same problem last month when I moved to GWT 1.5.2 also. It turned out to be a conflict between

Re: GWT 1.5.2

2008-11-06 Thread Tom Hjellming
I had this same problem last month when I moved to GWT 1.5.2 also. It turned out to be a conflict between GWT's dev library and the Jasper 2 JSP engine which apparently uses the Eclipse JDT Java compiler. The jasper-compiler-jdt.jar had conflicting versions of the

Re: what GUI creator are you using ?

2008-10-20 Thread Tom Hjellming
IntelliJ does not have a d-n-d GUI designer for GWT. I think they were referring to the pretty-basic GWT plug-in that doesn't provide a GWT GUI builder. Tom JacoGr wrote: I use IntelliJ IDEA. I actually wan't aware that IDEA had a drag-n-drop GUI designer for GWT. (I know about the

Re: Best GWT canvas (vector graphics) library?

2008-10-08 Thread Tom Hjellming
Dojo has a pretty decent GFX library that provides an SVG-like abstraction that works on IE's VML as well as FireFox's native SVG. The tatami project/library provides a GWT wrapper for dojo including the GFX library: The downside is that it pulls in a fair

Re: GWT Timers - say no to it with IE

2008-10-02 Thread Tom Hjellming
Timer works fine for me in both IE and Firefox. Tom Ivan wrote: Hello everybody, I have encountered one problem: it's well known that there's a Timer class: and of cource it is not a secret that it works in Firefox, Opera, and Google Chrome without

Re: Accessing Location of an iframe from another iframe and Cross Domain Security

2008-09-02 Thread Tom Hjellming
You could implement a backend proxy that fetches the html page, parses the content to patch all link references to go back through the proxy prior to sending the modified page to the browser. Since the browser thinks the iFrame pages are loaded form the backend proxy (same domain as the rest