Hi all GWTficiondos

I am working on a rather complex environment (say OS) based on GWT. I
use a widget based on SimplePanel which owns the real widget to be

My problem is that after hiding that outer SimplePanel once i can not
get it to be shown any more at a later stage.

I show the widget with the following code:

        child.setVisible (true);
        this.setVisible (true);
        setStyleAttribute (this.getElement (), "visibility", "");
        setStyleAttribute (child.getElement (), "visibility", "");
        child.setUserAttention (true);


        child.setUserAttention (false);
        //child.setVisible (false);
        //this.setVisible (false);
        setStyleAttribute (this.getElement (), "visibility", "hidden");
        setStyleAttribute (child.getElement (), "visibility", "hidden");

If i hide again, the code in my widget runs (background process
display some info somewhere else) but the UE is now shown after
setvisible (true);. All the HTML ist there.

What do i miss here?



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