Eclipse plugin for Eclipse 3.5 and GWT 2.1.0.M1

2010-07-02 Thread kawanka
When I create a new GWT project using Eclipse 3.5 the GWT 2.1.0 M1 and the accompanying plugin, I see that my project's libraries has GWT SDK -2.1.0M1 in the project's build path. which is what you would expect... The thing is though... I see gwt-bikeshed.jar, gwt-user.jar and gwt-dev.jar... what

Dynamic content loading with UiBinder

2010-06-30 Thread kawanka
Hello, Can someone point me to a demo/tutorial of using UiBinder (xml layout stuff) and setting the content of a VerticalPanel dynamically in code... on a button click or something. the only examples I found were of using html divs and ids and using RootPanel.get(divId) to get to the composite in