Hi all,
I built a web application with GWT and tested it on Firefox (through
OOPHM). The application works well as expected.

Testing the same application with IE8 gave me the next exception:

"00:04:10,828 [ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class
it.uniplan.ucm.console.client.GWTConsole (see associated exception for
details) com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError):
Function expected number: -2146823286 description: Function expected
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native

On Chrome i also obtain an Exception:
"uncaught exception TypeError: object is not a function"

Going into the application execution, i tried to isolate the problem
to gain a better understading. I found that the problem is in the RPC
client engine.
Cutting any RPC call makes the application free from exceptions.

I tried also to analyze the JS code (executed by IE8):
I found that the problem is in the function:

function quoteString(str){
  var regex = regex_0;
  var idx = 0;
  var out = '';
  var result;
  while ((result = regex(str)) != null) {
    out += str.substring(idx, result.index);
    idx = result.index + 1;
    var ch = result[0].charCodeAt(0);
    if (ch == 0) {
      out += '\\0';
     else if (ch == 92) {
      out += '\\\\';
     else if (ch == 124) {
      out += '\\!';
     else {
      var hex = ch.toString(16);
      out += '\\u0000'.substring(0, 6 - hex.length) + hex;
  return out + str.substring(idx);

In this function the variable regex should be a function, but it seems
that it is not (as from exceptions rasied by IE8).
Anyway, i found that the variable is actually initialized to point to
the function getQuotingRegex().

At this point i don't know how to solve the problem, hence, how to
make my application available on IE or Chrome.

Any suggestion?

The system i used to develop the application is Windows XP.
GWT version: oophm (1.5.3)

Thanks in advance,

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