Just a quick note: I'm having exactly the same problem w/ GWT 2.0 on a
Mac using the latest Eclipse plug-in, so you're not the only one
experiencing this problem.

On Dec 11, 9:51 am, Chris <uk.org.micros...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I've set up a brand new Mac with GWT 2.0 running under Eclipse
> according to the instructions at (http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/
> usingeclipse.html), and the template app runs fine. However, when I
> checked my own GWT project that ran fine under GWT 1.7, and followed
> the steps in (http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/
> ReleaseNotes.html#Upgrading), the GWT portion of the app doesn't
> display at all (the static HTML is displayed, just not the GWT part).
> (Note: I have replaced the old style div-based method of including the
> GWT app with the new script-based method; neither works, though.)
> I'm noticing a couple of 404 warnings on the console (indicating that
> "/myprojname/CA786633770B20A7881A4444AE6CBEB6.cache.html", for
> example, can't be found—and indeed it doesn't exist). I guess this
> might have something to do with the problem, but I'm not sure what to
> do about it.
> (One part of the upgrade instructions (link above) that I didn't
> understand was about changing from com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode to
> com.google.gwt.dev.DevMode. It's not clear where this should be done
> and I'm not seeing the warning about the former being deprecated,
> anyway.)
> Lastly, I'm using GWTCanvas (I'm using the 1.7 jar), if this makes any
> difference, although no part of my app gets displayed (except for the
> static HTML surrounding the app).
> I'd be really grateful if someone could suggest a way forward.
> Thanks in advance
> —Chris


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