Hi, guys!

I am using GWT 2.0.4, Ubuntu 10.04, JDK 1.6.0_20.
I am trying to implement Google OAuth in my GWT application. And it
needs to specify callback URL, which will be used to store
authorization params after user has logged in. In my case this
callback url is a guice servlet, which retrieves needed auth key and
redirects user back to my GWT application. In other words the whole
process in hosted mode goes like this:

1. User opens my GWT application (breakpoints in server and client
code both are triggered)
2. User tries to log in using his Google account. Application
redirects him to the google authorization page.
3. After user has logged guice servlet retrieves auth key (breakpoints
also are triggered)
4. Guice servlet redirects authorized user back to GWT applications
page, where he clicked "Login" Starting from this moment only SERVER
side breakpoints are triggered. Client side breakpoints  are still
there, but nothing happens with them.

In the last step I tried to redirect user to GWT page with  gwt
codesvr parameter specified (?gwt.codesvr=, but it
creates one more connection in Development Mode tab in Eclipse, which
is not I really wanted.

Any ideas?

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