Hello, I'm trying to implement tests into my GWT application.

I'm using the "GWT JUnit Test" feature included into the GWT Eclipse
I want to make test on the rpc ( and database ) functionnality,
however my application is a Gwt-Spring-Hibernate implementation.
Tests run succesfully until a rpc call. My error is :

        Starting HTTP on port 0
           HTTP listening on port 56923
on browser FF3
        Module com.enterprise.MyModule.JUnit has been loaded
        All clients connected (Limiting future permutations to: gecko1_8)
        Show loading message
        The development shell servlet received a request for 'login.rpc' in
module 'com.enterprise.MyModule.JUnit.gwt.xml'
           [WARN] Resource not found: login.rpc; (could a file be missing
from the public path or a <servlet> tag misconfigured in module
com.enterprise.MyModule.JUnit.gwt.xml ?)
        [ERROR] com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.StatusCodeException: Cannot
find resource 'login.rpc' in the public path of module

The error speak about the Gwt module "com.enterprise.MyModule.JUnit",
I think this module is create on runtime.
I think that my configuration doesn't load successfully, so my
questions are :

Is it possible to customize this JUnit module to become aware of my
'login.rpc' path ?
Is it mine web.xml file that is used for the test ?
How can I know if the Spring's context load successfully ?
Please, someone know a workaround to solve my problem ?

For informations...

This step doesn't throw error, it's just on the call :

        final LoginServiceAsync loginService =

I use the annoted type of configuration :

        public interface LoginService extends RemoteService {

I use the same arguments in "GWT JUnit Test" and in dev :

        -remoteUI "${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id}" -startupUrl
login.html -logLevel INFO
        -port 8888 -war path_to_war/war com.enterprise.Login

web.xml file :


        <!-- location of application context files -->

        <!-- filter for Spring Security -->

        <!-- filter for Spring Hibernate Request

        <!-- load application context -->

        <!-- dispatch rpc service requests -->

My spring servlet config :

                <property name="mappings">
                                <entry key="/MyModule/login.rpc" 
value-ref="rpcLoginService" />

 .... moreover, the remote url rpc is "
com.enterprise.MyModule.JUnit/login.rpc", so I had tried with
something like that ( I got the same error ) :

        <entry key="/com.enterprise.MyModule.JUnit/login.rpc" value-
ref="rpcLoginService" />

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