Yeah, I know the subject sounds crazy.

I'm working on a larger project (,
who's overall GWT UI is based on a top-level flow panel.  Now I need
to use a DockLayoutPanel for one of the pages.

We have a lot of code in place assuming pages add and remove content
from the top-level flow panel.  Rewriting all of this to use
LayoutPanels would be a huge task I hope to avoid.

I've tried adding my DockLayoutPanel to the flow panel, and I see the
DOM get modified, but nothing shows up in the web view.  I assume this
just isn't supported?

Alternatively, are there any other good methods to have a widget
expand vertically?  I played around with adding a resize listener to a
standard widget, and that worked OK, but the DockLayoutPanel is so
much cleaner...

Thank you in advance for any discussion and suggestions.


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