Whilst my fix worked for my app running on GWT development mode, I had
to make a change so it would run properly on a separate Jetty server
running on port 8080. The change I had to make was as follows:
change : Frame bugFrame = new Frame("/bugzilla/")
to : Frame bugFrame = new Frame("/bugzilla/
I was able to fix this as follows, in a GWT project I called 'Test'. I
followed this useful blog posting
My Test.java file reads as follows
package com.searchsystem.gwt.client;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoi
Hello all,
I've been knocking my head against this for a few days now. I have a
GWT webapp (running on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx) which acts as a kind of
dashboard for my application. The dashboard has a number of tabs, one
of which displays my bugzilla installation. The bugzilla home page is
contained wi