I have an issue setting css class to the CellTable header.
After initiating all columns and their headers I'am trying to
mannually add css class. I'am doing this in scheduler in order to have
all elements attached  into DOM.
This code works perfectly in Google Chrome, but fails in Mozilla, here
it has no effect. Compiling project and running without gwt browser
plugin hasn't help.
Please help to find out why the problem occurs or maybe you have any

The code listed below:

class MyCellTable extends CellTable<E> { ......

public void init()

                        public void execute()
                                Element thread = getTableHeadElement().cast();

                                if (thread.getChildCount() > 0)
                                        Element th = 

                                        int i = 0;

                                        int end = th.getChildCount();

                                        while (i < end)
                                                Element el = 

+ i);


One more thing to add: When launched in Mozilla, while debugging in
eclipse, watcher variables 'thread', "th", "el" are represented as
JavaScript object(Id) but in Chrome you see inner html as it is.
Mozila version: 3.6.25
Google Chrome: 16.0.904.0

Many thanks in advance!

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