Hi there,

It seems that the Editor framework implies "one-time" editing of a 
proxy, and once you call flush() of the driver you can't get the edited 
proxy back with updated values until it's persisted. Or am I wrong?

I need such feature to make a persistent UI. The idea is to have a proxy object 
for UI state and persist it each time the user changes UI state. The thing is 
when the editor request is in process the UI state still can be changed and 
these changes will be lost. Is it GWT-style solution or is my design completely 

Hope this snippet will make sense:

 1: *class* UIStateProxy *extends* EntityProxy *{* 2:     *boolean* 
getShowToolbar*(**)**;* 3:     *void* setShowToolbar*(**)**;* 4: *}* 5:  6: 
*class* UIStateWorkflow *implements* Editor<UIStateProxy> *{* 7:  8:   @UIField 
9:   CheckBox showToolBarEditor*;*10: 11:   */* driver initialization and other 
things */*12: 13:   @UiHandler*(*"showToolBarEditor"*)*14:   *void* 
onSetShowToolbar*(*ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event*)* *{*15:     
driver*.*flush*(**)**.*fire*(**)**;*16:     */* Now UI state is sent to the 
server, but what to do next?17:     /* It is neither possible to get edited 
proxy and restart the editor nor abort the request */*18:   *}*19:  20: *}*

Thank you in advance!

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