Hello moderator,

I submitted this post the other day as I am a new user this never did make
it the forum. Not sure if it was overlooked.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: fark <ffej.sak...@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 4:09 PM
Subject: GWT 2.0 internet explorer 7 devmode issue?
To: Google Web Toolkit <google-web-toolkit@googlegroups.com>

I'm having difficulties with ie7 devmode on windows xp and gwt 2.0.
Basically if I click a link in ie while running the app, the url is
replaced and the application reloads if there are history tokens.

A simple test showing the url modification (note this does not reload
the app as there are no tokens, but does show the url modification I
am seeing) . Create a generic test application using eclipse gwt
plugin and add this code to onModuleLoad()

               StringBuilder htmlString = new StringBuilder(
                               "<ul id='breadcrumb'>"
                                               + "<li><a href='#'
\");return false;'>"
                                               + "HOME"
                                               + "</a></li></ul>");

               RootPanel.get().add(new HTML(htmlString.toString()));

add these two functions:

       private native void initJs(Object obj) /*-{
       $wnd.navigateTo = function (param) {

       public void navigateTo(String levelId) {
               GWT.log("javascript returned level: " + levelId,null);

Start devmode, in my case the original url is "http://localhost:8888/
Now if I click on the link which should only execute the javascript
the new link is "http://localhost:8888/Test2.html?
gwt.codesvr=" with a pound at the end.

Note: this behavior does not happen in devmode with chrome or firefox
and also does not occur in internet explorer if I compile the code

 Has anyone else seen this issue and found a workaround? Or is this
possibly an internet explorer devmode bug?


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