I built a GWT app where I use the Google Data API Java library for
OAuth2.0 authentication, as described here (http://code.google.com/
intl/de-DE/apis/gdata/docs/auth/oauth.html#OAuthRequestToken), because
I have to fetch data from the Google Doclist API afterwards.

This is working in development mode, but deployed to a Tomcat server
one has to run the grant-access action twice, until it is working.
The first attempt to retrieve the accessToken ends up in an
AuthorizationException with message "HttpErrorResponse". My only guess
is that I somehow set up the callback url in a wrong way: I just use
Window.Location.getHref() for the callback-Url, the queryString is
added when the user grants access, so after granting access the app
returns to the original Url, the module is loaded again and should be
able to fetch necessary token from the queryString.

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong ?

cheers s.

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