I have not seen this mentioned anywhere but in getting the GWT 2.0
Developer Mode to work using FF3.5.8 and Eclipse 3.5, I found that I
had to disable the Compiz "Desktop Effects" setting.  This setting is
what enables/disables the window animations (window spongyness, ...)
as you drag and drop, resize or otherwise interact with windows on the

Note that with this setting enabled, although I could debug my GWT
code (set breakpoints and interact with the code in the Eclipse
debugger), the GWT Developer Mode window was ALWAYS blank.  No
messages, stack traces, ...  Nothing!  By disabling this setting, the
Developer Mode window now displays everything as it should.

- openSuSE 11.2 / Gnome Desktop (64bit)
- GWT 2.0.3
- FF3.5.8 (32bit) with the 1.0.7511 GWT plugin
- Eclipse 3.5 (32bit)
- Sun Java 1.6.0_16 (32bit)

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