When I look at this demo and new "Cell widgets" the first impression is
that those widgets wasting a lot of space. Visually the interface
absolutely not attractive. Maybe it is just my problem J ? I think even
for the demo it is unacceptable. The distance between table rows or tree
nodes is huge. Firebug shows that the problem is that one <div> element
adds 8px padding to the top and to the bottom of the content. If I
remove those padding in debugger everything looks nice. Unchanged size
of cell tree demo on my screen is 2 inches and after removing padding it
is 1 inch! I am curious how other developers consider this demo GUI? I
think everybody understand how important the first impression from the
new GUI and how hard to convince your management to jump on new
technology without decent GUI. Particularly when other demos of
javascipt packages shows no such padding and space wasting. 


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