Re: GWT RPC or Errai or RequestBuilder?

2015-02-19 Thread Manuel Carrasco Moñino
FYI, Gwtquery Ajax is almost the same than Requestor, it uses the jquery sexy api and suppors json and xml serialization/deserialization and databinding among other features like data forms etc. It has a jvm implementation so as you can use gquery Ajax in your tests or in server side. http://gwtqu

Re: GWT RPC or Errai or RequestBuilder?

2015-02-11 Thread Danilo Reinert
Hi Mohammed. If you're looking for a replacement for RequestBuilder, which is a low-level approach for requesting, with all its flexibility, you would better go with a high level http client api. To fulfill exactly this need, I developed Requestor , which

Re: GWT RPC or Errai or RequestBuilder?

2015-02-09 Thread Mohammed Sameen
Thanks for your reply..I would like know more about the limitation of using GWT RPC? On Monday, February 9, 2015 at 6:11:03 PM UTC+5:30, Mohammed Sameen wrote: > > Hi, > I created big application using GWT and am using RequestBuilder to > communicate with the server.So what is the best way for c

Re: GWT RPC or Errai or RequestBuilder?

2015-02-09 Thread Ümit Seren
It depends. RequestBuilder is basically a wrapper around XMLHTTPRequest. It can be used but IMHO I would use one of the high level abstractions which are: GWT RPC is the easiest to get started but you will have stronlgy coupling between backend and frontend and there are some pitfalls (if you

GWT RPC or Errai or RequestBuilder?

2015-02-09 Thread Mohammed
Hi, I created big application using GWT and am using RequestBuilder to communicate with the server.So what is the best way for communicate to server from client. i)RequestBuilder ii)GWT RPC iii)Any other approach(GWT Errai). I came to know that using GWT RPC is huge pain , so,what are the drawb